The Sunny Saturdays project is a community project to encourage those who live locally to come and get involved in our play project at Toffee Park Adventure Playground. We will be running coffee mornings throughout with food, fun, and activities. Families will have access to forest school and outdoor activities as they learn about our unique approach to children’s play.
From September 2018 to March 2019, the project will run from 12-2pm on Saturdays (term time only). Activities will include cooking on an open fire, whittling, using tools, building with wood, planting and tending to the nature garden, playing, singing and arts and crafts.
Our main goal is for local people to be able to explore and experience our unique site, find out more about our free services, and of course have loads of fun! Usually our playgrounds are no-adults allowed, so the Sunny Saturdays project is a rare opportunity for local adults to experience the space as well as being able to give feedback.