Thank you Postcode Local Trust!

IPA would like to thank all the players of the People’s Postcode Lottery as we received funding through the Postcode Local Trust which we used to improve our Paradise Park Nursery. We were awarded a grant of £18,000 to make improvements to our nursery playground and make it a really exciting space for play.

We have removed the tired and unimaginative fixed play structures and now have a flexible space with equipment and resources for den building, a tree swing, a giant blackboard and arts and crafts table. We now have amazing tree houses, an improved sandpit and water play area and a pond for wildlife. Our nature area has been redesigned with a new fire pit, bug hotel and compost system. We have planted flowers and fruit trees around the site and installed a mud kitchen and digging area all for children to be able to connect more with nature

Postcode Local Trust is an amazing grant-giving charity funded from the general public who play People’s Postcode Lottery. The Trust funds and provides grants to community projects across Britain. You can find out more about the Postcode Local Trust here and the People’s Postcode Lottery here

Thank you, once again!