Sessional Playworker

  • Post: Playworker (Sessional)
  • Hours: As required during opening times. Playgrounds opening hours are: Term time: Tuesday-Friday 3.15-6.45PM and Saturday 12-5.00PM; School holidays: Monday to Friday 10.00AM-6.00PM.
  • Salary: £14.74 per hour, including holiday pay
  • Located: Various venues and adventure playgrounds throughout Islington
  • Reporting to: Playground Manager

Playworkers put children’s play first. As a member of IPA’s pool of sessional workers you will be offered a range of job opportunities in the borough of Islington. We are particularly looking for people to work at our adventure playgrounds throughout school holidays. The position is sessional and you will be recorded on our pool list and will be contacted when work is available.

To apply: please look at the job description, complete the application form and send to You can apply at any time but please note interviews will be scheduled termly.

37% of children claiming free school meals in Islington attend adventure playgrounds Source: Annual Report 2016