Islington Play Association is a local charity that would not be able to operate without the help of its generous funders and partners. We would like to thank the following organisations for their continuing support.
Current Funders:
Islington Council
Islington Play Association successfully won a bid from Islington Council to run six adventure playgrounds across Islington: Crumbles Castle Adventure Playground, Hayward Adventure Playground, Lumpy Hill Adventure Playground, Martin Luther King Adventure Playground, Timbuktu Adventure Playground and Toffee Park Adventure Playground. The charity also receives funding from the council to run Paradise Park Children’s Centre in the Holloway area.
Kitchen Social
The Mayor’s Fund for London’s Kitchen Social programme brings together community groups, boroughs, businesses, foundations, charities and individuals to ensure the city’s young people do not go hungry or feel alone over the school holidays. Kitchen Social provides Islington Play Association with funding to provide healthy cooking sessions at Paradise Park Children’s Centre, Martin Luther King Adventure Playground and Timbuktu Adventure Playground.
Local Initiatives Fund
The Local Initiatives Fund is a small grants scheme available from Islington’s Local Ward Councillors. The scheme supports organisations that are looking to provide activities and improvements in local neighbourhoods. The Local Initiatives Fund has supported the charity on a number of projects and events including Playday, Cally Fest and a healthy cooking project.
The Arsenal Foundation
The Postcode Local Trust
Postcode Local Trust was established in 2015 and funds projects that are beneficial to local areas. They seek applications for outdoor projects related to play areas, green spaces, sustainable energy and conservation. Postcode Local Trust operates its own society lottery and receives all of its funding from players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Derwent London
Derwent London is a British property regeneration specialist and investment company.
Previous Funders:
Islington Clinical Commissioning Group (ICCG)
Islington Clinical Commissioning Group was established to commission health services for our patients and the population of Islington. It operates the Children & Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) Transformation Small Grants Scheme which currently funds the charity’s after-school walking bus from Robert Blair Primary School to Lumpy Hill Adventure Playground.
The Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC)
The Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC) provides information on the Mayor of London’s crime priorities and police performance. Islington Play Association currently receives a grant from the Safer Neighbourhood Board, which is supported by MOPAC, to run a weekly youth club at Crumbles Castle Adventure Playground.
Department of Health – Health & Social Care Volunteering Fund
Islington Play Association has previously received funding from the Department of Heath’s Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund to deliver ‘Healthy Holidays, a three year volunteer-led healthy cooking project across five adventure playgrounds in Islington.
City Bridge Trust
City Bridge Trust is the grant-making arm of the Bridge House Estates whose sole trustee is the City of London Corporation. City Bridge Trust previously funded Islington Play Association ‘Growing and Playing’ project to develop food growing sites at six Islington adventure playgrounds.
Natural England
Natural England is the government’s adviser for the natural environment in England and are dedicated to protecting England’s nature and landscapes for people to enjoy.
Heritage Lottery Fund
The Heritage Lottery Fund is the largest funder dedicated to funding and supporting heritage projects. Islington Play Association previously received a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to support its ‘Play, Past, Present and in Perpetuity’ project. Led by a Play Heritage Development Worker saw IPA work with children and the local community to investigate, explore and record the amazing history of the adventure playground movement in Islington.
Corporate Volunteer Groups
Big Alliance

Businesses for Islington Giving Alliance (BIG Alliance) is charity set up by Islington Giving with the support of East London Business Alliance. It provides business-supported employee volunteer programmes to promote and strengthen links between businesses and community organisations across Islington. Islington Play Association regularly works with Big Alliance to host fun, fulfilling corporate volunteer days at it’s adventure playgrounds and children’s centre.
Santander is a Spanish banking group that has supported Islington Play Association through corporate volunteering days, providing volunteers and funds to spruce up the charity’s various sites.
Expedia is an American travel company that supported Islington Play Association through corporate volunteering days, providing volunteers and funds to spruce up the charity’s various sites.
Burberry is a British based luxury fashion house that has supported IPA through corporate volunteering days, providing volunteers and funds to spruce up the charity’s various sites.
Wellcome Trust

Children and Youth Groups
Copenhagen Youth Project
Copenhagen Youth Project is a youth club for disadvantaged young people. Islington Play Association successfully won a joint bid with Copenhagen Youth project in July 2017 to deliver a weekly youth club at Lumpy Hill Adventure Playground. Islington
NCS / The Challenge
National Citizenship Service is a programme supported by The Challenge. Every year Islington Play Association host several groups of 15 – 17 year olds as part of the social action part of their National Citizenship Service Programme.
KIDS is a national charity dedicated to supporting disabled children, young people and their families across England. KIDS is a subcontractor for Islington Play Association and manages Hayward, an adventure playground designed for children with disabilities and/or additional needs.
Food Donation Partnerships
Marks & Spencer
Marks & Spencer is a national retailer for food, clothes and home products. The company’s Finsbury Pavement supports Islington Play Association by making surplus food donations available to the charity. Staff from the company have also volunteered at Crumbles Castle Adventure Playground, assisting with painting and decorating as part of the company’s Spark Something Good social responsibility initiative.
Budgens is an independent supermarket that supports the charity by providing surplus food to the adventure playgrounds. IPA’s adventure playgrounds are able to make weekly collections from a local Budgens store on Upper Street. The supermarket has always been supportive of the charity and has previously match funded a bake sale to raise money for a new stage at the Paradise Park Children’s Centre nursery.
Neighbourly is a social network that connects companies with local charities on community projects. Neighbourly helped connect Islington Play Association with its current Marks & Spencer (Finsbury Pavement) partner store
Plan Z Heroes
Plan Z Heroes is a social network that connects local businesses with surplus food to donate with charities that need them. Through Plan Z Heroes the charity was able to establish relationships with Nandos (King Cross) and The Real Food Market.
City University
City University is a higher education institution situated in Islington and the City of London. Islington Play Association works with City University to recruit its students into a wide range of volunteer opportunities at the charity.
Kings College London
King’s is one of the world’s leading research and teaching universities based in the heart of London. Islington Play Association supports Kings College London by providing intern placements to students studying masters courses specialising in children and play.
London Metropolitan University
London Metropolitan University is a higher education institution situated in Islington and the City of London. Islington Play Association works with London Metropolitan University to recruit its students into a wide range of volunteer opportunities at the charity.
University College London
UCL is a higher education institution situated in Camden and Westminster. Islington Play Association works with the university to recruit students into a wide range of volunteer opportunities at the charity. In July 2017 Islington Play Association hosted five students as part of the university’s Global Citizenship Voluntary Sector Programme.
Previous Partners