Toffee Park Adventure Playground

Find out what we've been up to!

News & Blog

We are always busy here at IPA with amazing projects, events and sessions taking place all over the borough. To keep informed about our work look no further. Our aim is to continually create exciting places for children to play and to increase their accessibility to those opportunities. Everything we do is designed with the playing child at the heart and we are super proud of our staff, volunteers and partners who make it all happen.

Support IPA at Islington Tescos

We need your votes! Islington Play Association has been selected for a Tesco Community Grant and your support could help us even more. When you get a little blue token after...
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Thank you to our patron, Bob Hughes

Bob Hughes, who was Islington Play Association’s patron, died last week after a long illness which he resisted with dignity. He was a deep thinker who had a far-reaching influence...
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37% of children claiming free school meals in Islington attend adventure playgrounds Source: Annual Report 2016