Tilly May

Meet Tilly!

Tilly May

Tilly joined the Islington Play Association team in 2015 as a volunteer playworker on our playful healthy cooking project, Healthy Holidays, supporting children to cook healthy meals on the adventure playgrounds. Since then Tilly has worked with the charity as a Sessional Playworker and Walking Bus Playworker, before being promoted to her current position of Deputy Playworker in July 2017.

Job Title: Deputy Playworker
Location: Martin Luther King Adventure Playground
Qualifications: CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Workforce; Playwork Leadership and Management; CACHE Level 2 Diploma in Childcare and Education

What do you love about working at IPA?
I love how rewarding the job is.

What is your favourite childhood play memory?
Playing at Crumbles Castle Adventure Playground